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Even the Dark of Night Cannot Stop The Moon From Shining It's Beauty. 

"You are imperfect, and wired for struggle but you are worthy of love and belonging."  - Brene Brown


My name is Laurie and welcome to my blog Beautifully Flawed.  I wanted to create a space to explore the human experience and how it shapes, and defines our existences. To sink into the depths of how love is in all ways is  healing to one's soul and spirit and lack of it keeps us from becoming the best version of ourselves. What does it mean to live an Authentic life? What does it mean when we say live life to the fullest? How do we own our story and rewrite it when needed so that we may have a life that is purposeful and meaningful in all ways. How do we bring the shadows of  our being out into the light and breathe life into it so that we may be real and whole so that we may connect to the world around us? Connect to people around us? We are the sum of every soothing touch, every hateful word, every piercing look that penetrates our souls and more to make us who we are. So come along this journey to seek truth in understanding because life is meant to be torn open and pieced back together to make a story that is unique to each individual. 


Be Brave. Be Bold. Be Fearless in who you are.

Heart Shape Cookie Cutter


Be Bold . Be Brave. Be Beautiful

I’ve always believed in the old saying that we must live life to the fullest and  Beautifully Flawed serves as a vessel for those that wish to live a life of Authenticity and Truth. That this journey we call life  leads us to our True Self that is made in all things Love. Then we can Transform, Connect and Live Purposely with Intention everyday to be grateful for life's Blessings. 

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Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Beautiful

Even In The Darkness The Moon Is The Most Beautiful Light Ever to Shine:

"Follow your inner moonlight, don't hide the madness"

-Allen Ginsberg-

Lover's Hug
Sad Girl in the Window


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